Setting up DeviantCord

DeviantCord has two different options in terms of hosting the bot. You can either request hosting through us, or you can host it yourself. You can see the differences between the two here

Finding a host

Self Hosting the bot requires a bit of work to get it setup, however before getting into the configuration of the bot you may want to consider where to host it. Cloud Hosting/ Virtual Private servers are usually the most affordable places to host your bot if you know where to look.

Note: If you are hosting the bot on your own machine you can skip to the Setup Section

If you want more information it can be found Choosing a host

Installing Python3

Depending on what operating system you are using (eg. Windows, Mac, Linux) the setup process will be different.

Please select the your operating system


Linux has many different types of Distributions with different Package Managers. Some may have Python3 already installed, however we only support Python version 3.6 minimum, check to see what your version of Python is (if any):

python3 --version

If your distribution is not below and does not come with a version of Python3 that isnt at least 3.6, then you will have to install python manually.

Ubuntu/Linux Mint

We only support Ubuntu Versions 18.04 and above

For Linux Mint we only support 19+

Ubuntu 18.04 has Python 3.6, the minimum version supported by the bot. While the versions after it has 3.7 However PIP the module manager for Python is not installed by default. You will have to install it.

To get started you first need to get the latest update headers otherwise you will not be able to proceed.

sudo apt-get update

Then you need to run the install command for PIP otherwise you will not be able to install the needed modules that the bot uses.

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Once pip is intalled, you now have access to the pip command. Now lets install the required modules.

pip3 install discord asyncio urllib3

Debian 9

Debian 9 uses Python 3.5.3, the minimum supported version for the bot. It is not advised to use Python 3.5.3, as it may be deprecated within a future version.

If you want to use Python 3.5.3 then all you need to do is install pip

apt-get update && apt-get install python3-pip

Then you need to install the python modules for the bot

pip3 install asyncio urllib3

However, if you want to install Python 3.7 here is a guide to do so here

CentOS 7

CentOS does not come with any version of Python3 by default, and as a result you will have to install it manually. Additionally you will need to install a repository that allows you to install python3

yum install -y

Once you have the repository installed, you should make sure that there are no updates before installing Python3

yum update

Then input Y and enter to confirm the update (If there are any updates).

Once you have the updates installed, you want to use the following command to install Python3

yum install -y python36u python36u-libs python36u-devel python36u-pip

After that, make sure the following command returns something

python3.6 -V

If it returns something, then Python3 is installed! Now we need to install the required Python modules for the bot. Use the following command to accomplish it

pip3.6 install asyncio urllib3


Fedora 28+ has Python 3.6 and usually updates its python3 version consistently to newer versions. As a result you do not need to install Python3 or pip. So all you need to do is install the Python modules

pip3 install asyncio urllib3

Raspian (Arm Linux Distros)

ARM based Linux Distributions are not supported at this time.


Go download a release of Python 3.6+ here

Once it is installed, go to your search bar for Windows and search for cmd, then right click it and Run as Administrator and type

pip install asyncio urllib3


DeviantCord is not tested on MacOS, however it will still run. It should be noted however, that MacOS by default packages Python2, which is not compatible with DeviantCord.

You will need to install Python at their website. Then Run

pip3 install asyncio urllib3